A Family-Friendly Field Trip with Cin-Ty Lee and Mary Ann Beauchemin

Note: This trip is good for beginning birders as well as advanced birders, as there will be something for

Ages: Adults and families with children ages 7 and up are welcome. All children must be registered attendees and be
accompanied by a registered adult attendee.

Additional trip details, including meeting points and times, will be emailed to all registered participants.

Cost: $75 member / $95 non-member

Advance registration required. Registration link below.

Birding the Hotspots of Greater Houston
Saturday, November 11  Re-scheduled for December 9 due to weather

Do you need to increase your Harris County bird list or do you want to know your local birding spots better? Join us
where Galveston Bay meets Houston. This is the place to go for those hard to find waders, sparrows, gulls and
vagrants that are difficult to find elsewhere in Houston. We will start early in the morning scanning the bay for
terns, gulls, mergansers, shorebirds and maybe even a scoter. We will then head over to San Jacinto Monument,
where we should see Vermilion Flycatcher, a variety of sparrows, waders, waterfowl, and rails. There’s always the
possibility of a rare warbler, towhee, tanager, and more.


Meet Your Birding Guides

Cin-Ty Lee is a professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University, where he teaches a wide variety of courses ranging from geology to bird biology. He spends much of his spare time studying, photographing and painting birds and other wildlife. He has written numerous articles on bird identification, focusing on some of the more difficult bird groups, such as loons, immature orioles, pewees, pipits, dowitchers, and recently, Empidonax flycatchers.



Mary Ann Beauchemin retired as the Nature Discovery Center’s Senior Staff Naturalist, but she continues to volunteer her time and talents guiding birding activities for the Center. She is an avid birder with decades of experience birding (and guiding) throughout the Greater Houston Area, along the Texas coast, and beyond.