Behind the Henshaw House you’ll find a raised bed sensory garden full of herbs, vegetables, and other plants that stimulate your senses. Visitors are always welcome to stop and experience the garden through gentle hands-on exploration.
Rub the leaves of different plants and smell your finger tips.
- Can you find plants that smell like lemons, candy, pizza, or pickles?
- Do any smells remind you of soap or shampoo?
How do these plants feel on your fingers?
- Can you find some with hairs or prickles?
- Are there any smooth leaves?
What colors can you find in the garden today?
- Are all of the leaves the same shade of green? Which plant has the darkest leaves?
- Are there any plants blooming in the garden? What colors are the flowers?
What else can you see, hear, feel, or smell at our sensory garden?