Corporate volunteer groups are welcome to join our Green Team Service Partners to provide the hands-on and financial support for the Nature Discovery Center and Russ Pitman Park, our 4-acre nature park, through customizable service projects and concurrent donations year-round. Your extra hands, energy, and donation can make a huge difference in the work we do and in the experiences our visitors have!

We ignite curiosity, understanding, and respect for nature through education because we believe that a connection to nature is an essential part of life. By becoming a Green Team Service Partner, you will enable your team to connect with nature while problem solving, team building, tackling communication challenges, and bonding over a project that will have a lasting impact on our community.   

Group Size Flexible from 5 to 15 people

  • Please note that if you have more than 15 people on your team, we can always split a project across multiple work dates as needed.

Potential Corporate Group Service Projects

  • Park Maintenance – including planting native species, removing invasive species, tidying up our trails and flowerbeds, and more
  • Pocket Prairie Seasonal Maintenance
  • Construction and Repair – of new and existing structural elements in the park including benches, tables, play houses, and boardwalks
  • Seasonal Owl Box Work – removal and cleaning or re-installation of our owl boxes
  • Painting – of wooden park fencing, stairs, porch railings, and our ADA ramp
  • Power Washing – our sidewalks and patios

Time Commitment – 4 hours

  • 3 hours – Service Project
  • 1 hour – Site Tour, Presentation about the Center, & Group Photos

Extend Your Stay

  • Picnic in the park with your colleagues at our Pavilion Patio picnic tables or on picnic blankets on the lawn in Pecan Grove or Shady Glade. Note that the Pavilion Patio must be reserved in advance of your visit to ensure availability. Use of Pecan Grove and Shady Glade is first come first served and you must provide your own picnic blankets.

Concurrent Corporate Giving

  • Suggested Donation of $500 to $3,000

Added Perks of Partnership

  • Social Media Recognition – photo with logo and linkout to your socials
  • eNews Recognition – photo and story with logo and linkout to your website or socials
  • Website Recognition – logo placement in the footer of this page with linkout to your website

If you and your team are interested in becoming Green Team Service Partners, please fill out our GTSP Inquiry Form. Once your inquiry form has been received, our Development Director will reach out to you within 3 business days to coordinate your corporate service and giving opportunity.

If you have any questions about becoming a Green Team Service Partner, or about other ways of supporting the Center through corporate giving, please email.

Service project work days are subject to rescheduling in the event of inclement weather that would create an unsafe working environment.

2023 Green Team Service Partners