One of the things that we will miss being able to do this summer is host our typical monthly Family Nature Nights at the Center. We couldn’t give up the program completely this summer, so we’re working to bring you our first ever Virtual Family Nature Night. Gather the family around the computer, stream it to your TV if you can, and join us for a night of nature fun!

The theme of this Family Nature Night will be Reptiles!

Families who register for this one of a kind program will receive:

  • a link to join an interactive Zoom session – where they will enjoy a reptile talk with live animal guests presented by Eric Duran, our Head Naturalist, as well as an interactive Q/A with Eric about reptiles.
  • instructions for a simple, printable reptile themed craft to go along with the theme of the night.

But that is not all, Family Nature Night wouldn’t be Family Nature Night without themed snacks! We invite your family to create your own reptile themed snack to enjoy during the event, using whatever you have in the kitchen. Make it a family affair, let the kids help with the ingredients, design, and construction of your snack.

  • And then take a photo of your themed snack creation to share with us before you dig in! We’ll gather your photos as entries in a little friendly, Family Nature Night Snack Competition! Be inspired by turtles, lizards, snakes, or crocodiles, tap into Pinterest if you’d like, or perform a Google search for added inspiration, or just let your own imaginations run wild!

We hope you’ll join us for this experimental night of family nature fun!

Cost: $5/family