Summer Volunteer Positions

Teen volunteers play a key role in our summer programs. 

Applications for Summer 2025 Teen Volunteer Positions are due by April 25.


All NDC volunteers MUST ALSO complete a volunteer application found here: NDC Volunteer Application  Even teens interested in volunteering for summer shifts must fill out this application in addition to the Summer Teen Volunteer Application

If you apply for a position as a Summer Teen Volunteer this summer, NDC staff will be in touch with you to follow up on your application. You will be notified of any volunteer position assignments by May 2.

Teen Volunteer Trainings will be held on Sunday, May 18 from 1:00 – 3:00 pm and Thursday, May 22 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm. Summer teen volunteers are required to attend one of these trainings.

Teens ages 13 to 17 are invited to be assistants at camps for 5 – 10 year olds. Week-long camps are held between June and August. Camp assistants help the teachers and help individual campers with crafts, projects, games, etc. Assistants MUST attend a mandatory training offered in May.

Mandatory training sessions are provided for all Summer Teen Volunteers.